Kosmodular Grid
107 modules from 9 makers.
Look Mum No Computer
A VCO based on the CEM3340 chip.
Look Mum No Computer
MS20 style filter based on the René Schmitz design.
Look Mum No Computer
Delay module based on the PT2399 chip.
Look Mum No Computer
6 channel mixer suitable for audio or cv.
Look Mum No Computer
A bank of 10 oscillators from the Megadrone.
Look Mum No Computer
Quad VCA module designed around 2 AS3360 chips.
Look Mum No Computer
VCLFO based on the VCLFO10 chip.
10 cmLFOPCB + PanelChipset
Look Mum No Computer
A new filter that is 'very odd.'
Look Mum No Computer
Designed to split and buffer signal to make sure the juice doesn't get sucked out of the signal plugged in.
Look Mum No Computer
A valve based distortion module.
5 cmDistortionPCB + Panel
Look Mum No Computer
A bouncing ball simulator that has a lot more uses than you would expect.
5 cmEnvelope GeneratorLFOPCB + PanelChipset
Look Mum No Computer
Limited edition white pcb to build a Fart Box.
20 cmSynthesiser VoicePCB
Look Mum No Computer
A MIDI to CV converter module based on the midimuso chip.
10 cmMIDIPCB + PanelChipset
Look Mum No Computer
ADSR Envelope Generator based on the Electric Druid ENVGEN8 chip.
5 cmEnvelope GeneratorPCB + PanelChipset
Look Mum No Computer
Offset, Boost, Attenuvert.
5 cmAttenuverterPCB + Panel
Look Mum No Computer
Two channel VCA based on the AS3360 chip.
Look Mum No Computer
Twin T drum module based on early organ drum voices.
Look Mum No Computer
A Sequencer based on an arduino nano that can also act like a keyboard.
40 cmSequencerPCB + Panel
Arduino-based sequencer with 8 steps and 2 voices.
30 cmSequencerPCB + PanelFirmware
Arduino-based Euclidean rhythm sequencer with 16 steps and 4 voices.
10 cmTrigger SequencerPCB + PanelFirmware
Arduino-based clock divider with internal/external clocks, adjustable divisions and rotate function.
10 cmClock DividerPCB + PanelFirmware
Arduino-based text-to-Morse code generator.
5 cmTrigger SequencerRandomSchematicFirmware
Geiger counter random trigger/envelope source.
5 cmRandomEnvelope GeneratorSchematic
Dual voltage-controlled panner/crossfader with internal LFOs
10 cmPannerCrossfaderVCAPCB + Panel
Analog Output
8 step control voltage sequencer based on LMNC design, with a number of modifications
40 cmSequencerSchematicFirmware
Analog Output
3 input audio mixer
Analog Output
3 input DC mixer
Analog Output
Expression pedal interface
2.5 cmInterfaceStripboard
Analog Output
YuSynth Fixed Filter Bank, retuned, with board mounted sliders and jacks
Analog Output
Generate clocks and act on triggers and gates
10 cmGate ProcessorPCB + Panel
Analog Output
Toy voice changing megaphone bent into synth module
Analog Output
Simple MIDI to CV
5 cmMIDIPCB + PanelFirmware
Analog Output
Auxiliary board and Kosmo format front panel for MFOS VC LFO, supplying sync and power header
Analog Output
Piezo element amplifier inspired by Music Thing Modular's Mikrophonie
2.5 cmInterfacePCB + Panel
Analog Output
Percussion/drone module based on Hackaday CMOS Noise article
10 cmPercussionDronePCB + Panel
Analog Output
Kassutronics Precision ADSR with retriggering and looping modifications
5 cmEnvelope GeneratorPCB + Panel
Analog Output
Dual CV quantizer with choice of ~72 scales
10 cmQuantizerPCB + PanelFirmware
Analog Output
3x passive attenuators
Analog Output
Panel for Barton Musical Circuits module
Analog Output
Panel for MFOS module
Analog Output
Panel for MFOS module
Analog Output
Panel for MFOS module
Analog Output
Barton 4046 wave shaper modified to add voltage control and variable gain
10 cmWave ShaperPCB + Panel
Analog Output
Panel for NLC module
Analog Output
Joystick CV controller with adjustable ranges and offsets
10 cmInterfacePCB + Panel
Analog Output
Voltage controlled trigger sequencer with gap, Euclidean, ADC, and random algorithms
10 cmSequencerPCB + PanelFirmware
CV processing module for detuning oscillators.
5 cmCV ModulationPCB + Panel
Super simple noise generator with the Electric Druid Noise2 chip.
Strange Orbits
A classic moog transistor ladder filter based on a Kassutronics design.
Strange Orbits
Simple Midi to gate module with 12 gates.
Sound Bender
A manual and rotary dial phone gate module (0 to 5 V out with 2 outputs).
10 cmGate ProcessorStripboard
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of Krakenpine Twin T Kick
5 cmDrumStripboardSchematic
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of Niklas Rönnberg Clock Pulse Divider
5 cmClock DividerSchematic
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of David Haillant simple LFO
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of PHOBoSapiens inc. Simple ADAR envelope generator with 555 chip
5 cmEnvelope GeneratorSchematic
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of Unauthorised Service Snare Tom module
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of Thomas Henry Bass Drum ++ module
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of Niklas Rönnberg Dual Distortion module
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of Ken Stone Logic Gate module
10 cmGate ProcessorSchematic
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of Niklas Rönnberg Mixer module
10 cmMixerStripboardSchematic
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of AI Synthesis module
10 cmInterfaceStripboardSchematic
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of Barton Musical Circuits module
10 cmWave ShaperStripboardSchematic
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of Carmello Azzarello module
5 cmSub OscillatorStripboard
Sound Bender
Eddy Bergman version of MFOS module
Sound Bender
Eddy Bergman version of ARP2600
10 cmEnvelope GeneratorStripboard
Sound Bender
Kosmo version with this circuit
Sound Bender
Kosmo format of Yusynth design from Eddy Bergman
Sound Bender
Kosmo version and multiplication of Niklas Rönnberg Simple LFO
Sound Bender
Mix of CV Joystick and CV Wheel schematics from Niklas Rönnberg
Sound Bender
Kosmo format of a simple buffered multiple
5 cmMultipleStripboardSchematic
Sound Bender
Simple Dual CV Glide module
5 cmCV ModulationSchematic
Sound Bender
Trigger sequencer by LMNC in module format
15 cmTrigger SequencerSchematic
Sound Bender
Mix of 2 schematics, Simple Mixer from LMNC & CrossFader from La Roue Tourne
10 cmMixerCrossfaderSchematic
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of Barton Musical Circuits module
10 cmWave ShaperStripboardSchematic
Sound Bender
Kosmo adaptation of the Moritz Klein filter
Sound Bender
Kosmo version of the CGS67 from Ken Stone
10 cmRing ModulatorStripboardSchematic
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of the dual VCA (with CA3080) from Niklas Rönneberg
10 cmVCAStripboardSchematic
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of the Non Linear Circuits module
10 cmCV ModulationStripboardSchematic
Sound Bender
Stripboard layout of the Look Mum No Computer module
10 cmEnvelope GeneratorStripboardSchematic
Sound Bender
Kosmo format of the Hagiwo module
Sound Bender
Kosmo format of the Hagiwo module
Sound Bender
Kosmo format version of the Non Linear Circuits module
10 cmWave ShaperStripboardSchematic
Sound Bender
Kosmo format of the Baby 8 sequencer (with reset and mute on each steps + gate out)
Sound Bender
Kosmo format of the Juanito Moore module
Sound Bender
Kosmo format of the Balter Gate Delay from Non Linear Circuits
10 cmDelayStripboardSchematic
Development platform with various MIDI/CV/gate input and output options
10 cmMIDIUtilityCV ModulationGate ProcessorPCB + PanelFirmware
Simple sample and hold / noise module
5 cmCV ModulationNoisePCB + Panel
Driver module for a classy spring reverb tank
5 cmDelayEffectDistortionPCB + Panel
Reverse Transistor Noise Generator
Voltage Controlled Envelope Generator
10 cmEnvelope GeneratorPCB + Panel
Tamas Gal
A buffered multiple with 4 channels and 3 output for each
5 cmMultipleProtoboard + Panel
Analog Output
Three attenuverters with individual, summed, and inverted summed outputs
7.5 cmAttenuatorPCB + Panel
Analog Output
Modification of Barton module to convert infrared light into control voltage
Analog Output
All pass filter for doing voltage controlled morphing of low frequency waveforms
5 cmCV ModulationPCB + Panel
Analog Output
Envelope Follower based on ARP 2600, with mic and instrument preamplifiers
5 cmEnvelope FollowerPCB + Panel
Analog Output
Dual shape variable low frequency oscillators, based on a Kassutronics design
Analog Output
Old school ring modulator with active input and output stages, from Ken Stone's Active Real Ring Modulator circuit
5 cmRing ModulatorPCB + Panel
Analog Output
Sample and hold / Track and hold from a design by Rene Schmitz
5 cmSample and HoldPCB + Panel
Analog Output
Kosmo konversion of Barton Full Wave Dual Rectifiers
Analog Output
Kosmo konversion of YuSynth Comparators
Analog Output
Full featured 3340 based VCO
10 cmOscillatorPCB + Panel
Analog Output
Subsidiary 3340 based VCO
5 cmOscillatorPCB + Panel
Analog Output
Microcontroller based clock synth module
5 cmClock GeneratorPCB + Panel
Analog Output
Voltage processor with summers and lag